The non existing Mexican guy exists. The existing German becomes the unexisting German

Yea I know, the headline is kind of confusing. Just like changing languages all the time. To be honest I started writing in Dutch, but I thought the blogg would be easier to read for the people I just met if it was written in English. So here is my first try.

To start of: I would like to thank everybody for reading. Some of my pages are close to 80 views. I think that's amazing in my first week of writing.

Second of all: A brief summary of my first three stories. Don't worry, just the headlines, nothing more.

My first to stories were mainly about the Mexican guy who was supposed to move in here but never showed up, untill he did. Also I was just writing about how I felt my first few days here. In my second story I told you all that the Mexican guy, Santiago, exists. Also I told you that there was this German moving in, that part will be continued. This was also the first time I set you, the reader, a challenge. I asked you to do the following: Try to communicate an entire day in a language that is not the language you learned when you were a kid and to also use as less English as possible. I know that if you read this summary you most of time allready will have to deal with this because you're most likely in my school.

My last storie mainly just set a challenge. Try to say the next scentence as fast as possible: Stavo camminando per la strada, quando sono scivolato su un buccia di banana. My pronounciation can be found on my facebook-page. Just search for Laszlo Raats.

On that note i'll continue where I stopped writing: Friday afternoon.

After I went to drink something with Caio and George on thursday evening I saw George just that Friday morning. I didn't see him the rest of the day. After I wrote my last story I went out to go for an apperitife. The idea is very simple, you buy a drink for about 5 euro's and you can get 4 or 5 plates of food. Nice right? Thought so too. The idea was to go to this disco afterwards. I waited 'till everybody was finished, ready to go, and finally moving. At the moment we almost arrived at the disco I decided not to go and at 23:30 I decided to go back home. I'm glad that I choose not to go to the disco 'cause it turned out to be an hour long walk from the disco to home. Didn't see that one comming when I agreed to come.

The rest of the weekend isn't worth mentioning, except for just a few things. As it turned out Santiago was around sometimes though none of us saw George the entire weekend. Maybe this starts to explain the headline. By the way, to answer your questions, Santiago is a nice guy. He's 18 years old, very introvert, and plays the guitar. As it turns out, he stays untill the same weekend as I do, so I'm allmost certain we'll get along.

Yesterday evening is also worth mentioning. As nobody yet knows, we have this disgusting, grose, fat grill in our kitchen, but it works and is easy in use. So I decided to make my own evening meal on the grill that night. Just some bread with some ham and cheese, nothing special. Next thing I know, some fat from the cheese falls on the heating element. That element was that hot and that grose that the fat caught fire together with all the little bits of burned food that was left there for over six months. So the electric grill turned into an indoor barbeque. Not exactly what you wish for but we got the fire out very quickly.

Thirst thing Caio said after we put out the flames was: Maybe we should clean this thing. My response: That might be a good idea.

So when I was finnished with school today I bought some extra cleaning stuff, went home, and was planning on cleaning. When I got home George's room was open, and all I saw were some leggs of a lady. Decided to leave them alone and start cleaning. Five minutes later the girl walks into the kitchen and was kind of surprised to see me there. She returned to George without saying anything less than a surprised 'Hello' and I didn't see her for 5 minutes again. I guess at that moment they decided to look for an hotel in the neigbourhood because they left just after i finnished my half an hour taking cleaning task of letting the grill shine again. Expected is that George will not return before Thursday, the day before he has to leave our house.

On that note becomes the existing one the unexisting one, and the unexisting one, the existing one. So there you got your headline explanation.

A challenge? Well i'll make it easy for you, you can choose this time. Either I'll challenge you to clean something you haven't cleaned in over six months, just like I did today, Or you'll try to cook something tonight with just the stuff in your fridge. No supermarkets allowed! Tried that yesterday and it's not so difficult. In fact my lunch was made out of bits and pieces we found in the kitchen, and it was delicious!

So I'm looking forward to your comments and i'm also looking forward to the reaction on the challenges / any sort of proof that you tried to do one. Because with allmost 80 readers there should be at least someone who has given one of them a try.

For me this blogg isn't just a space where I write stories, but also a space where, I sincerely hope it will succed, there will be a certain interactivity between readers. Not between readers and me, although I like that too, but mainly between readers.

To be continued.

(Time spent writing: 1 hour and 5 minutes.)




Hoooi las! Heb je mn zin nog gebruikt? :D


als ik hem vrijdag in de les had gehad wel. helaas was het blog een terugblik. hoe is het met jou/?


Your challange for the next week; to cook without starting a fire...... ;)


I cleaned your room, also that wasn't cleaned for more than six months.. Hope you keep it cleaner over there, i'll come by to check it


aaaah, ik hoor hier alleen maar engels, ik dacht; leuk een verhaal in het nederlands! was het in het engels AGAIN.
Maargoed, vandaag ook veel duits gehoord xD


Lasz, je verhalen over de mexicaan bestaat en de kat krabt de krullen van de ... kon ik nog volgen maar je laatste verhaal van ... de niet bestaande mexicaan....
moet ik dat koppelen aan het schoonmaakmiddel of het eten dat je gemaakt hebt. V.w.b. de conversatie in een andere taal ervaren wij beiden hetzelfde. Ik doe mijn best in het Spaans te converseren, waarvan de helft redelijk te begrijpen is, de andere 25% in het Nederlands en de andere 25% in het Engels. Toch begrijpen de Spanjolen mij en ik hun en hebben wij nog lol ook.
Mijn kleinzoon en vriend ik vind je verhalen fantastisch en geniet ervan ze te mogen lezen, gracias, gracias.

Wat is het probleem, mijn computer vertaalt alles in het Nederlands zodoende zat ik een verhaal te lezen met de grootste kronkels. Heb inmiddels ook de Engelse versie gelezen
Hasta Luego


Hi The Lasz problemen met het kiezen van een langauge
una soluzione puo essere om het zo op te schrijven...

Come va During the First Italian strike? Italiani sono Amanti dello sciopero, Daar wen je wel aan..No school today in ogni modo. Maar gelukkig een koele dag to clean your mind. Reposati e fa'ti sentire..Ik bel je wel en smakelijk diner tonight,

Auf wiedersehen Michael


@Akkie: Just cleaned it the day before I left, couldn't stop sneezing the rest of the day.

@Ilse: Yep, get used to it. How are you doing way up there?

@Opa: Haha, leuk he die auto-translaters? Wat betreft dat verhaal van de niet bestaande mexicaan, de titel slaat op de jongen die gelijk met mij had moeten intrekken maar waarvan niemand wist waarom die dat niet deed. Toen ik dat schreef was het dinsdag en had hij er dus al 3 dagen moeten zijn, en niemand wist waar hij uit hing. Zodoende, de niet bestaande mexicaan.

@Michel: Je ne gett annything of what du geschrieben hebt. Wat betreft the day of the manifestazione, mio scuola è una scuola privé. Allors, de lessen continued also when the staking recht onder het raam doorliep. Alora, non ho fatto un jour libre.


Tre Bien Hard working Dus!!


@ laszlo, michel en opa: Hadden jullie niet gewoon in Nederland kunnen blijven? Was het in ieder geval taalkundig wat minder ingewikkeld.....
Mijn hemel, wat een familie! xxx-jes aan jullie allemaal


Whaha die reacties van je zusje en je moeder :P

Hier gaat het goeeed! M'n studie is echt enorm leuk! Volgende week mijn eerste kookles! Deze week schetstechnieken en constumentengedrag gehad enzo! :) Bij jou?


Klinkt goed! Heb je zin in het koken? Ik moet denk ik toch ook maar eens wat anders dan pasta klaar gaan maken. Alles wat ik tot nu toe gekookt heb is pasta, wel verschillende recepten, maar pasta.
Bij mij gaat het ook wel lekker op het bijna in de fik van de keuken zetten na.

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