What a weekend!

It's been almost a week since I last wrote you, for that, I'm sorry. It's just that there happened a lot the last few days. Things I didn't want to report untill today.

Let me continue writing where I stopped, friday afternoon:

Just after my last message the owner of my appartment came in with the rental contract I had to sign. I signed it. I didn't really like this place but I wasn't looking to find another place. Untill, that evening, Livia and Franziska asked me if I wanted to look at some apartments with them. Then the thinking started. You know, the basic thoughts that you have when you have done something with which you are statisfied untill a better opportunity comes by. In this case, the same evening.

Sunday, after I talked to my parents, I decided I wanted to check out some apartments with them. Just out of curiocity. I just wanted to know if I could find a better place for about the same rent. The same evening we checked out our first apartment. I have to say it was amazing. The location was great and the apartment was beautiful. Downside: it was to expensive. So we looked on.

Yesterday we went to check out the second apartment. There is nothing else to say than that the apartment is BEAUTIFUL!!! It´s in the center of Firenze and has SIX sepparate bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. So, maybe some of you expected this message but this afternoon it will be official: I'm goïng to move again! If you want to have my new adres, just send me an e-mail at

Maybe I'm slowly turning into Richard 2 (Richard 1, my grandfather who moves every year). We'll see.

Also I want to remember you that I right now have a dutch cell and an Italian one. If you want the Italian number, just mail me.

Back to the everyday stuff. (If you can call it that way)

This weekend was changing weekend. Basically there moved in two new guys, one from Brazil and one from Germany (he moved out yesterday, I guess we scared him). But the are both very nice.

My class is an entire different story than last month. I know a lot of people that are in there. Everybody can speak Italian. My classmates are 5 Brazilians, 2 Germans, 2 people from Belgium (Belgians?), A Canadian, A Japanese girl, a girl from Mexico and me. I allready knew the Brazilians and the Germans so I know half the class allready.

Lessons are clearly more dificult. The grammar is harder and I feel like there is a gap between what I learned last month and what I'm learning right now. So I have some catching up to do. If I can't manage to do it alone, it might be time for a 'corso di recuppero' next friday.

I would like to write more but I have to go.

Maybe I can give you more details of the move if the process has slowed down a bit (mainly in my head because it all happened really fast)

See you soon,

Was signed:

A kind of confused, and also slightly stressed out





Hee Laszlo,

hebben jullie nu met zijn drieën 6 slaapkamers (!) of hebben jullie nog wat extra huisgenootjes gevonden?


O en zet eens wat foto's op je blog! :)


ik ben het eens met tessa over de foto's :)


Wat een spannende paar dagen weer, fijn dat het appartement naar je zin is. Is ie ook dichter bij je school dan je oude?

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