something new (translation iets nieuws)

At 7:30 am the phone rings, it's always the same song: I've got a feeling by The Beatles. He wakes up and thinks 'Shit, is it 7:30 allready?' He turns of his alarm and turns on his iPod-dock. The song that starts to play is ‘If loving you is wrong'. 'Amazing' he thinks. He has to remind himself immediately that he has to be careful not to fall asleep again. He gets out of bed to be sure this doesn't happen. 'The mornings are starting to get really cold by now.' He says to himself. He grabs some clothes and walks to the shower.

After his shower he packs, as usual, his bag, eats a bowl of coco-pops, turns on his iPod (with headphones this time), and leaves for school. To get to school he has to walk for about twenty minutes. He also has the possibility to use his bike and to be there in five minutes. That is what he would usually do if he would face a twenty minute walk. But the combination of morning, music and time, usually makes him decide to walk. It is liberating in some strange kind of way. The song ‘Fat bottomed girls' is playing and puts his thoughts on a halt. It's just that little thing that he needs to start the day in a good mood.

The walk through the street that he has to walk takes him to a High-school and a botanic garden. Sometimes, when he walks past the school, he thinks: 'Would the people see that I'm not a tourist, but just an inhabitant?' He looks in the window of the store on the other side of the street and sees his own reflection. A long blonde guy, wearing a vest of the Boston Red Sox. When he looks in front of him, he sees people that are a lot smaller than him with brown or black hair. None of them looks like him in any possible way. The moment he sees that, he concludes, that he probably still is the tourist heading for the antique center of the city. He is probably an American, judging by his vest. No, he clearly isn't an inhabitant of this city. Maybe it will take a while before people start seeing him that way.

‘Just the two of us' starts playing. Just for a second, he closes his eyes and starts to dream. 'Just the two of us, we can make it if we try. Just the two of us, you and I' As he hears these words he thinks 'Damn, I wish I just had that second person, just for once. Well, the replacement at this moment is ok.' And he keeps walking towards the white marble tower in front of him.

As he heads towards the dome, barely aware of what's happening around him, he notices the silence at the galeria dell'Academia. 'Right, it's Monday, the Academia is closed today. That makes it a lot more pleasant to get home this afternoon.' He slowly starts to realize that it's the last time he walks this route on his way to school. Why? Well, this evening, at 7, two of his future roommates are signing a new rental contract for their 'new' apartment. Notice, that the apartment is new for them, the apartment was built in the 13th century as part of a building that has been there since the 11th century. He thinks about the apartment, the six bedrooms, the three bathrooms, of which one has a shower that's too low for him, the huge living room and the hole in the ceiling near the entry that was caused by a leak in the apartment above theirs. 'Well, they are repairing it as we speak. If everything is ok it will be finished at the end of the week.'

As he goes around the last corner, he looks at the time, and sees that he can easily get a cup of coffee at his usual bar. Two minutes later he has finished his coffee and walks out of the bar again, he looks at his watch again and sees that it's 8:39. 'I could walk in there but the doorman will kick me out again, even though it's just one minute.' So he decides to walk on to the dome. He takes a seat at the stairs as he does sometimes, and watches the people around him. 'It just doesn't get boring.' He thinks after he saw several people walking across the square while happily chatting or looking at a city-map. 'This is a lively city' is what he thinks. Satisfied and with his thoughts in order, he runs the six stairs to the upper floor of the palazzo. When he arrives there he has the usual pre-school chat before classes start.

At 1 pm school is finished and the exact same things of that morning are happening once again. But this time in reversed order with lunch instead of coco-pops.

While cooking the lunch he thinks to himself how lucky he's been the last week. Al the guys at the apartment were great. Four guys, all completely obsessed by music, everybody has a sport and there was always something to talk about.

His thoughts are drawn to the man that opened the door on the first Sunday morning. The man with who he spent so much time with since that moment. That person can just be one man, Caio, the journalist, writer, and film-enthusiast, who took a year to think what kind of master he wants to do. He doesn't just think about what he wants to do, but also where he wants to do it. The man, who encouraged our character to write to you. The man, who is the person that any man would like to be. Who is this man? This man, is a person who has ideas to fill to lives with, who is looking for what he wants to do. This man, is a someone who follows his dreams, in Caio's case, writing a book. This man, is somebody who is curious, a man who wants to try to know everything by talking to people, but above all to do a lot of things. This man, wants to help other people, by doing something, or, maybe even better, by planting an idea inside you head.

To make a long description short, an man that is amazing to have around you.

The owner of the house already asked them, 'You have become real friends huh?' The answer was a clear yes. That's also how it feels when you're around them, it feels like a friendship that can last a long time if you ask our character.

After lunch, he opens his laptop, surfs to and he logs in. He starts writing. As it doesn't really work out the way he wants to, he decides to try it a different way. And this, the part that you just read, is the result. The result of over one hour of writing (or translating for that matter), that you will probably have read in less than five minutes.

Just before the end, he decides to, even though it is against his principles (privacy reasons), write about that one roommate, that one roommate who deserves a tribute.

Just before he publishes his piece he thinks 'What would people think about this text? I hope they'll let me know'

He salutes you, and presses 'Publish'.



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