25, a pretty special number for me. I was born on the 25th of June, the address of the first house in which I lived in had 25 in it, and for years, 25 has been my lucky number. Now however, am I writing story number 25. To be honest, this are 24 more story's than I expected to write. However, just before I started writing I decided to try to write at least 99 stories before the end of the (academic) year. So that's my objective, and the people on the mailing list are going to receive quite a lot of extra mails in which they see that I've written a new story.

First I want to add something to my Queen vs. Pink Floyd story. I spoke to my father, and basically what he said was: 'I like the story, but isn't Pink Floyd older than Queen?' Of course this is correct, Pink Floyd was founded in 1965, so they had their jubilee in 2005. Queen was founded in 1971, so their anniversary is this year. But still the fact remains that Pink Floyd lost three of its original members before 1985. (It was, when founded, a four man band with an additional member joining in 1967.) So I think we can ask ourselves a question: Were they celebrating the anniversary of the band, or of the bRand Pink Floyd? If they were celebrating the band, I would say they wouldn't have the right to do that. If they were celebrating the bRand, I would say they had all the right to do that.

So, that's dealt with.

Then yesterday, during class, we tried to find a definition of art. We spent about an hour redefining it and discussing the definition our classmates just gave. I think you might be surprised (or maybe not) that we couldn't define it after an hour of discussing. We basically started with a simple definition as: Art is something that makes you feel good if you're contacted with it. So in this case, also a butterfly has to be art. We thought this was a pretty wide conception of what art is, and went on discussing. We ended up with less or more the next definition: 'Art is something that exists because of a creative mind, it can be reproduced BUT, the people that reproduce it have to give their own interpretation to it. If they don't this will be considered as copying and copying is according to us not an art.'

But then there was a paradox. In our opinion, the people that make chalk drawings on the road of famous paintings are copying. In that case, it would mean that they don't make art. Though, the first thing that we agreed on was that the men, who create this are definitely artists. So we still didn't really find a correct definition.

I think this creates an additional question: 'What makes an artist an artist?' I would also like your opinion in this. According to the definition of art that we established in class, an artist is somebody who creates, or re-interpretates a creative process. Though I wouldn't really agree on this, because this would mean that I would be an artist. Why would I be an artist according to this definition? Basically because of the fact that what I write is partially creative, and the musical productions in which I cooperated are re-interpretations of existing productions. So there has to be added something to the definition. Is this the fact that the person that creates is able to live of his creations? Again, I think that isn't it. Because there are quite a lot of artists who produce art but are not selling it. So, again I think I can't answer this question. I hope some of you have a couple of additional suggestions on how to define an artist.

On this I conclude story number 25,

See you soon.




Maybe it'll make the discussion easier if you make the difference between an artist and an artisan.
Our greatest artists ( for example Rembrandt ) in the early days weren't paid as artists, but as artisans. Simply because there was no fotography....


op je verhaal over Pink Floyd heb ik niet gereageerd: omdat ik daar geen kennis van draag. Je verhaal over kunst is ook een gecompliceerd onderwerp. Je hebt het over kopieeren. Wat als een schilder een bestaand landschap na schildert ... is dat ook een kopie. Ik denk dat veel dingen die kunstenaars produceren te maken hebben met een techniek en gave die anderen niet beheersen. Die techniek wordt door de één gezien als kunst en de ander haalt zijn schouder daarover op. Toch hebben beiden kunstenaars, kunst geproduceerd. Om tot een definitie te komen van wat is kunst, zullen de personen die dat willen omschrijven eerst zelf een breed inzicht in kunst moeten hebben.
Je herinnert het gezegde, dat ik je heb geleerd: inspraak zonder inzicht leidt tot een uitspraak zonder uitzicht. Ik denk dat deze uitspraak op jouw onderwerp van toepassing is.
Groetjes en liefs en hou je taai joh

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