The ship

A human is like a ship: They build you, and when you're done they'll certificate you. This certificate is in most cases your high-school diploma. The certificate says that you know the basics of navigating. Using them, however is something you'll have to find out while you are on your way. Then we set of. We set of on a journey. We encounter all kinds of stuff and locations. Our first docking is usually in university. In university they'll test our basics, you learn how to use some of them and they will expand your knowledge. After you've loaded the things you'll need for the rest of your journey, the engines start running again. This is the sign to start the rest of the journey called 'Life'.

During the journey we'll encounter great weather, unknown islands and undiscovered continents. These are locations where you can start something new, they are points where you might have to use some experience that you've gained, to gain some extra. They are points where you can rule, locations that you can create. They are your locations.

Sometimes you'll encounter rough weather. The engines will have to work a bit harder, and a lot of things won't be as easy as they used to be. You might be using some extra energy, but it will pay of in knowledge. At least you know one thing for sure, the storm can't last forever.

At a certain point you'll return to your main-port. There they'll bring you bad news, despite all your experience and knowledge you turn out to be too old. They are cutting you. Your journey has ended.

They'll get you out of the water, and start destructing you. Parts are leaving you, they are recycling you.

This is the sad ending of a beautiful, experienced ship.





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